I write thoughtful and humorous vignettes about my search for meaning as I journey through life after the age of 60.


We could have up to, and maybe more, thirty-odd years of life ahead of us after entering our sixties. What are we going to do with those years?

I asked myself that question and then decided to go on a journey to find out. Join me on my exploration as I attempt to entertain, inform, engage and make sense of what I call:

the years of self-consent.

And over we go!

My Journey

My vignettes are in chronological order and begin with a focus on an outer journey. As time moves on the focus moves to an inner journey. To follow the storyline, it's best if you read them in that order. But if you do not fancy that, new vignettes will appear at the end of the thread. To go straight to the latest vignette, click the button below. I suggest subscribing to be emailed a link to the latest story when it is posted.

A Cooking Class

Travelling Spoon is an online platform that connects travelers with local people around the world for cooking classes in their homes. I have taken classes ...
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The Spa Break

The daily air quality in Florence is generally listed as very poor. The city is surrounded by mountains and high rolling hills which reduce the ...
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As I mopped up my one-year-old granddaughter’s puddle of pee, excreted from her after she ran through the living room naked, I wondered if I ...
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I find the idea of being a grandmother complex. Firstly, because I am I’m still mopping up the damage created by the choices I made ...
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What Is A Grandmother?

I find the idea of being a grandmother complex. Firstly, because I am I’m still mopping up the damage created by the choices I made ...
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Another Grandmother Story

It was Monday, and I had agreed on Saturday to participate with my youngest daughter in a 5k run and plunge into the Pacific Ocean ...
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Saltdean By The Sea – Back to England for a visit

Shabby chic is how I would describe the place we stayed at in Brighton England. The place was recommended by my niece who works in ...
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British Chocolates

I love being in England. There are many reasons why, but on my last visit, I found out that one definite reason was because of ...
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And Here We Go Again I have no idea what my life should look like at this age, so I decided to go on a ...
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